Can you listen to audiobooks on Kindle Paperwhite?


By CuriousKindle


Are you a book lover who enjoys the convenience of listening to audiobooks? If you are a proud owner of the latest Kindle Paperwhite model, you'll be delighted to know that you can also enjoy Audible audiobooks on your device. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to listen to Audible audiobooks on your Kindle Paperwhite.

What is an Audiobook?

Audiobooks have revolutionised the way we consume literature, offering a convenient and immersive alternative to traditional reading. But what exactly is an audiobook? Simply put, it's a recorded version of a book that you can listen to rather than read.

With the rise of digital technology, audiobooks have become increasingly popular. They allow people to enjoy books while on the go, whether during their daily commute or while doing household chores. This format also appeals to those who may struggle with reading due to visual impairments or learning disabilities.

Listening to an audiobook can transport you into another world as skilled narrators bring characters and stories to life through their expressive voices. It adds depth and dimension to the written word, allowing you to experience books in a whole new way.

Audiobooks come in various formats, such as CDs or digital downloads. With advancements in e-reader technology, like the Kindle Paperwhite 10th Generation and the newer models from Amazon, you can now even listen to audiobooks directly on your device! So not only can you read eBooks on your Kindle, but now you can listen too!

Audiobooks are audio recordings of books that provide an engaging and accessible way for readers (or listeners) to enjoy literature. And with devices like the Kindle Paperwhite 10th Generation and newer models supporting this feature, it has never been easier or more convenient for book lovers to immerse themselves in captivating stories anytime and anywhere!

Compatibility Requirements

Before diving into the setup process, it's crucial to ensure that your Kindle Paperwhite model meets the necessary compatibility requirements. Unfortunately, not all Kindle Paperwhite models support Audible audiobooks. Currently, only the latest generation Kindle Paperwhite models, specifically the 10th generation and newer, have the capability to play Audible audiobooks. If you own an older version of the Kindle Paperwhite, you may need to consider upgrading to a compatible model to enjoy this feature.

Listening to Audiobooks on the Kindle Paperwhite with Audible

1: Setting Up Your Kindle Paperwhite

To begin, make sure your Kindle Paperwhite is connected to Wi-Fi and registered to your Amazon account. If you are setting up your Kindle Paperwhite for the first time, follow the on-screen instructions to connect to Wi-Fi and register your device.

2: Accessing and Downloading Audible Audiobooks

  • On your Kindle Paperwhite, swipe down from the top of the home screen to access the "Search" option.

  • Type "Audible" in the search bar and select the Audible app from the search results.

  • If you have not installed the Audible app on your Kindle Paperwhite yet, select the Audible app and choose "Download" to install it.

  • Once the Audible app is installed, open it by tapping on the app icon from your home screen.

  • Sign in to your Audible account using your Amazon credentials.

  • Browse the vast selection of Audible audiobooks and find the one you want to listen to. You can search by title, author, genre, or browse through the curated collections.

  • Once you've found an audiobook you want to listen to, select it to view the details page.

  • On the audiobook's details page, you'll see an option to either "Add to Library" or "Buy with 1-Click." If you already have the audiobook in your Audible library, select "Add to Library" to download it to your Kindle Paperwhite. If you don't own the audiobook yet, select "Buy with 1-Click" to purchase and download it.

The audiobook will begin downloading to your Kindle Paperwhite. Depending on the size of the audiobook and your internet connection speed, this process may take a few moments.

Once the audiobook is downloaded, you can find it in your Audible library on your Kindle Paperwhite.

Now comes the fun part! To start listening, plug in a pair of headphones or connect Bluetooth-enabled speakers for a more immersive experience. You can adjust playback settings such as volume and playback speed by tapping on the screen while listening.

Related Article: How to sync Audible and Kindle?

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downloading audible app..Source from Lifewire
downloading audible app..Source from Lifewire
audiobook store option in kindle app
audiobook store option in kindle app

Enjoying Your Audiobooks on Kindle Paperwhite with Audible

Now that you have downloaded your Audible audiobooks to your Kindle Paperwhite, it's time to start enjoying them:

  • Open the Audible app on your Kindle Paperwhite.

  • Select "Library" from the bottom navigation menu to see all the audiobooks you have downloaded.

  • Tap on the audiobook cover to start playing the audiobook.

You can control the playback using the on-screen playback controls. These controls allow you to play/pause, skip forward or backward, adjust the volume, and more.

If you prefer to listen to your audiobook while reading along with the text, the Kindle Paperwhite offers a unique feature called Whispersync for Voice. Whispersync for Voice syncs your progress between the audiobook and ebook version, allowing you to seamlessly switch between reading and listening without losing your place.

One major benefit of listening to audiobooks on the Kindle Paperwhite is convenience. Gone are the days of carrying around heavy books or trying to find space in your bag for multiple novels. With a simple tap on your device, you can access thousands of audiobooks instantly and carry them wherever you go.

Another advantage is versatility. Whether you're commuting, working out at the gym, or simply relaxing at home, audiobooks provide entertainment for any occasion. You can immerse yourself in gripping stories while engaging in other activities—it's multitasking made easy!

With these simple steps, you can now dive into the world of audiobooks on your Kindle Paperwhite and enjoy your favorite stories in a whole new way. Happy listening!

Remember, Audible audiobooks require an Audible subscription or individual purchases. Some audiobooks may be available for free with a subscription or as part of your Kindle Unlimited membership.

Also View: How to Purchase Kindle Books on Android and Computer?

How to Delete Audible Books from Kindle

If you want to remove audiobooks from your Kindle Paperwhite to free up space or remove unwanted titles, follow these steps:

  • Open the Audible app on your Kindle Paperwhite.

  • Select "Library" from the bottom navigation menu.

  • Find the audiobook you want to delete and long-press on its cover.

  • A menu will appear with various options. Choose "Remove from Device" to delete the audiobook from your Kindle Paperwhite. Note that this will remove the audiobook from your Kindle but it will still be available in your Audible library for future download.


In conclusion, Kindle Paperwhite has successfully expanded its repertoire to include audiobooks, offering users a versatile and immersive reading and listening experience. Whether you're a seasoned audiobook enthusiast or a curious newcomer, the Kindle Paperwhite proves to be a reliable and enjoyable platform.

Frequently ask Questions:

1. Can I listen to audiobooks on all Kindle Paperwhite models?

Yes, audiobook support is available on all recent Kindle Paperwhite models.

2. How much storage space do audiobooks typically occupy on Kindle Paperwhite?

Audiobook file sizes vary, but on average, an hour of audiobook playback consumes around 28-30 MB of storage.

3. Do I need an Audible subscription to listen to audiobooks on Kindle Paperwhite?

While an Audible subscription enhances the experience, it's not mandatory. Users can purchase and listen to audiobooks individually.

4. Can I use Bluetooth headphones with Kindle Paperwhite for audiobook playback?

Yes, Kindle Paperwhite supports Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to use compatible headphones for audiobook listening.
Listening to Audiobooks on the Kindle Paperwhite with Audible

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